Public monies definition
Public monies definition

public monies definition

Your procurement decisions must be fair and open. This will ensure that the money is spent in a way that is fair, open and good value for money.

public monies definition

You must follow basic procurement regulations because your school spends public money. You could save money by using existing contracts or teaming up with other schools so that you have more purchasing power. Different rules apply depending on the value of the purchase you are making. The buying process is broken down in to three stages – planning, purchasing and managing. The Schools Financial Benchmarking website enables all English maintained schools to prepare charts so that they can compare their income and expenditure profiles with those of similar schools. Understanding your finances and deals can help you identify where savings can be made and makes it easier to compare your current deals with those offered by public sector organisations such as the Crown Commercial Service. Your school is responsible for its own financial management and the details of your deals and contracts. The ‘Review of efficiency in the schools system’ identifies a number of characteristics which are common to many of the more efficient schools and proposes a number of actions that schools, government and our partners can take to support greater efficiency in schools. All schools should be working to make savings, spending their funds prudently and looking to make the most of their money in order to invest in teaching and learning.


Schools have autonomy over the use of their budgets and so it is for heads and governors to determine at school level how to secure better value for money. Through comparison with other schools’ spending and patterns of service, schools can determine whether there is scope for doing things better: improving efficiency, reducing costs or identifying the potential scope for savings. Comparing or benchmarking prices will help you to make the most of every penny of your school’s budget.īenchmarking can be used to identify significant differences in the way schools manage their resources. So, are you shopping around for your school as well? After all, with budgets being tight, what you buy, and how much you pay for it, matters more now than ever. Shopping around can help you to save a lot of money.

public monies definition

If you’ve used a price comparison website to buy insurance, you’ll know that prices can vary dramatically. The benefits of effective procurement practices includes: Financial savings that can then be re-invested in your priorities for driving up standards goods or services purchased are fit for purpose suppliers deliver (and continue to deliver) as agreed legal and financial obligations are complied with. Although schools spend most of their money on education staff, they collectively spend approximately £9.2billion on other areas including energy, catering and back office. How to get the best procurement for schools ProcurementĪll schools are subject to public standards of accountability.

Public monies definition